
If you have any additional questions, please email extreme.ct.hiking@gmail.com. FAQs will be updated periodically as additional questions come in.

When does the Challenge start and end?
The challenge officially begins on January 1st, 2024 at 12am and finishes on December 31st, 2024 at 11:59pm. Any hikes started before January 1st or completed after December 31st will not be counted.
Is there a time limit for completing each individual hike?
There is no time limit once a hike has begun except that is must be finished by December 31st, 2024 at 11:59pm. As long as you do not pause your hike other than to camp along the route, you are free to take as long as you need.
Do these hikes need to be unsupported?
No, you may arrange for friends or family members to meet you along the route to give you supplies and support. They may not take you away from the route midway through a hike however (i.e. a hike would be deemed invalid if it was discovered they brought you into town before completing the route).
How far off from the route may I travel to a legal campsite if completing a route as an overnight?
You are free to travel as far off from a route as you need to find a legal place to camp but you must hike to and from the campsite. Additionally, you must backtrack to where you deviated from the route to resume the next day (i.e you can 't skip a section of the official route).
Could I plant a car midway along the route to sleep in if no legal camping is available?
You may absolutely sleep in a car but you may NOT drive away. As long as the car is used only for shelter overnight it is perfectly valid.
I accidentally got off course from the main route, but it is easier to just keep hiking forward and rejoin the route a little ways ahead, is that still valid?
No, if you realize you have strayed off course due to a wrong turn, you should turn around and rejoin the route to avoid skipping any sections. The organizer of the challenge maintains the right to deem a hike invalid for skipping sections of the route.
What are the rules around GPS recordings when completing a hike as an overnight?
You may upload multiple recordings upon completion of your hike, but each recording must show that you stopped and resumed in the same place. The organizer reserves the right to deem a hike invalid if two or more sequential recordings do not stop and start in the same location.
What should I do if my GPS recording gets paused or truncated due to reasons outside of my control during the hike (phone died, GPS glitch, etc.)?
If this situation occurs and you have, in good faith, completed the route according to all of the rules set forth by the challenge, please upload what you can of the recording, specify the issue that occurred, and provide a summary of your hike to give the organizer reasonable assurance that you did indeed complete the route.
Is there any additional reward for completing more than 10 routes (or 9 if choosing to do the Bonus instead)?
There is no additional reward other than bragging rights!
Can I bike, ski, or run any parts of the routes?
You may not bike or ski any parts of the route as this is intended to be a hiking challenge, but you may absolutely run parts or the entirety of a hike!